Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mental Nutrition

I have decided to expand my plan of properly feeding myself to include mental issues as well. So in order to better feed my mind and soul, I have come up with a reading list of books to inspire me, one per week. Most are rereads of books that inspired me in the past, but one new one that seems to apply. In no particular order, here they are:

Excuses Begone! by Dr. Wayne Dyer
I like his general message, and he has inspired me before. This topic and book seems applicable when trying to change stubborn habits.

Let Go by Martine Batchelor
This is a reread by an author who is a zen teacher who also focusses on the power of habits and gentle ways to loosen their power.

Turning You Mind Into an Ally by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
This is a reread of a basic meditation guide by the son of famous Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche that makes mediation accessible.

Thinking Body, Dancing Mind by Jerry Lynch
Another reread, this one uses a unique combination of Taoist philosophy and creative visualization/affirmation to experience more fulfillment out of sports and other life pursuits.

Mastery by George Leonard
Anything worth doing doesn’t come all at once. Instead, practice that becomes fulfilling in and of itself will lead to success. Relaxing into the inevitable plateaus is a prominent theme.

And finally, we all need a little peaceful warrior, so I will reread No Ordinary Moments by Dan Millman, which tries to take some of the lessons dramatized in Way of the Peaceful Warrior into more practical lessons.


  1. Hi! I am with you on the Peaceful Warrior. I just reached in my backpack to grab the book today as I feel overly stressed lately and lose my patience with people (you know who) too quickly. I think I will watch the movie this weekend as I need to refresh my mind on the important lessons and relax. I have not read your other books, but will check them out as you are the literary master!

  2. I reflected on your post again as well as your other post about goals versus developing new thinking. Combining the two I come up with peaceful forward thinking (?). It's funny that you started commenting on these topics as VegNoodle and I were inspired by our new changes to design a vegie garden to plant this spring and feast from our own efforts this summer. We took a look at what we enjoy eating and what the ingredients are and while I have no green thumb to say, she seems to have a way with kids, animals, people, and plants so I will supply the cash to get the garden going and the recipes for the resulting bounty, but she will have to do the dirty work (literally!). Anyway, I am long winded in saying that I think we have begun to change our thinking and project our new ways into our future. Goals? No, I wouldn't say that. More like positive self development.
