Saturday, February 27, 2010

After reading your post on mental training and spiritual lent I took a hot bath and got to thinking about philosophical stuff. Not my usual routine, but I kept contemplating the idea of where does inspiration come from? I went to my favorite veg cafe and they always ask patrons a question of the day (they must have some huge book of questions!) anyway, the day's question was, "Who inspires you?" I racked my brain as I am inspired by a lot of people depending on what the context is. In cooking I am inspired by Vivaldi and the Four Seasons, and on and on and on. But really, shouldn't we inspire ourselves? Usually, if I think of someone as inspiring it is because I want to be like them for some quality or achievment. Why then, am I not inspirational to myself? I should be. I should generate this energy within my own person for the better of my body and mind. So I should think of every small accomplishment as inspiring for a larger one. Are you self-inspired? This week I am.


  1. AWESOME post! Exactly! We must inspire ourselves, because, honestly, if we don't inspire ourselves, who will? Plus, who can we possibly inspire? You must inspire yourself, because YOU inspire me. If you don't inspire yourself, I might not be inspired, and the whole project collapses! BTW the root of "inspiration" is SPIRIT. As always, the spirit and emotion counts more than anything else. And, there is nothing wrong with imitating other people if they are worthy. Our teachers are everywhere!

  2. Ah yes. Socrates of the Peaceful Warrior! Need I say more? OK- one more..... Agent Cooper of Twin Peaks.
